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Nitro Wiki

Ok with the whole summer update thing I made a ton of money. I currently have 8.4 M and am wondering what to do with it naturally. I have a couple of options:

1. Buy the outtie and still have 4M

when I first started NT my dream was to get the outtie, but now well I don't know I don't find it so attractive anymore.

2. Get the MP

Many people say I would look good in this car......any opinions?

3. Well just buy the flux!

I kind of want to have some left after a purchase. So this option would have to wait a bit, until I have extra money.

4. Save for the Gotham

It is a pretty sweet car by me. I'd have to save, but I'm a lot nearer to getting it.

5. Save for Shuttle

this one is expensive. And I don't think that's it's the right car for me.

6. Wait for the mach 6

It looks awesome so this may be the best option. 

Please comment (if you can -maybe this was supposed to go to forums?) and vote. Thanks!
