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Nitro Wiki
Six Four Plus Three
116 large 1
Bought for: $20,000,000
Sold for: $12,000,000
Painted for: $3,000,000
Other attributes

The Six Four Plus Three could be earned by using 2,000 nitros in the Summer Events of 2015 and 2016. It was given by the achievement Add That Up. A more simpler version of this car is the Six Four.


  • Towards the end of the 2016 Summer Event (with an upgraded to the Y.A.C.H.T.,it was also made available via the dealership. However, its price was increased from $1,500,000 to a whopping $20,000,000, making tied for the most expensive car in Nitro Type history, tied with Mercedex McLaro SLR 12.5
  • This car is the first and so far only car to feature more than one person inside it.
  • This is the car that iloveshoes2 used to complete her 125,000th race.
  • This is the only summer car in the 2016 Summer Event besides the '13 Summer Classic to not be a boat.