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Nitro Wiki

Cars lined up at the beginning of a race

Racing is the main feature of Nitro Type. Racers try to type a passage faster than each other. Each racer's position is represented by a car on the track. Several different tracks are available, and chosen randomly at the start of each race.

How to race


Desert track

First, you must wait until the race track fills up. The track holds five racers in total. They can be real people or bots that fill in if there are no people in your speed range. Second, you will be given a few seconds before racing. The passage


Arriving at the finish line

will be shown below the race track. The passage is long or short depending on your words per minute, or WPM. But no matter what, the passage will take around 40 seconds to complete. When the green light is lit, start typing so that you can get to the finish line faster than the other people or bots that are typing along with you. You can use nitros to skip the current word if you have any. Read more about how to obtain nitros here. When you're finished, the race results will be shown. You can race again by clicking race again button on the bottom right or pressing enter on your keyboard.

Seeing your results

Seeing your end of race results.

Racing Tips

Here are some racing tips that you can use so that you can be almost first every time:

  1. If you type too fast, you may make mistakes. Slow down and type every word with good accuracy.
  2. Use nitros on hard words. Don't use it on easy words. Use them at the end to seal a victory, or use them to boost past your opponents. But don't waste them, as you can sell them for money.
  3. Race constantly, perhaps 10 races per day. You will improve slowly and eventually get faster and get more cash, nitros, and experience.

    This is an example of a racer's monthly career over a span of 30 months. Click to enlarge.

  4. Relax your hands! If you tense up your hands, they won't be flexible enough to reach and press letters accurately and quickly. If you find you can't loosen up your hands, you can shake them or do a practice race. Somehow, doing a practice race before a real one can help you go faster. It's magic.
  5. Usually keyboards have little bumps on the J and F keys, put your index fingers on those keys at the beginning of the race.


A full breakdown of the rewards system can be found here.
