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Nitro Wiki

Mystery boxes are Nitro's daily rewards system. Aside from the 2 cars, the Stingtec Electric and the Blitz R-8.1, only cash can be earned from them (either $7,500, $15,000, $30,000, or $100,000). XP and nitros used to be obtainable in mystery boxes, but nitros were removed at the start of Nitro Type v3 and XP removed on July 4, 2020. One can be collected from the Garage every 21 hours.


There is an entire achievement category with mystery box related achievements called Cruisin' Back. Below is a list of achievements that can be earned from collecting mystery boxes.

Name How to Earn It Rewards Achievement Points
What Could it Be?? Collect 10 daily mystery boxes "Mystery Man" +10
So Many Boxes! Collect 50 daily mystery boxes $500,000 +50
Ten Boxes OMG Collect 100 daily mystery boxes "Box Collector" +100
You've Been WAITING Collect 200 daily mystery boxes Fonicci Tricolore +200


There are three cars that can be collected from opening mystery boxes with two of them being claimed randomly and one that can be claimed after opening 200 mystery boxes.

Image Name How to Get
73 small 1
Fonicci Tricolore Collect 200 mystery boxes
Auttier8 small
Blitz R-8.1 Randomly collected from the mystery box
91 small 1
Stingtec Electric Randomly collected from the mystery box


  • The Mystery Box logo was updated after Overcomer reported a bug where the box showed "Nitro Type" even when claiming it on Nitro Math.


Mystery boxes were Nitro Type's daily rewards system. They included a variety of completely randomized prizes, including different amounts of cash, XP, and nitros. One could be collected from the garage every 21 hours.


There is an entire achievement category with mystery box related achievements called Cruisin' Back. Below is a list of achievements that can be earned from collecting mystery boxes.

Name How to Earn It Rewards Achievement Points
What Could it Be?? Earn 10 Daily Mystery Boxes "Mystery Man" +10
So Many Boxes! Earn 50 Daily Mystery Boxes $500,000 +50
Ten Boxes OMG Earn 100 Daily Mystery Boxes "Box Collector" +100
You've Been WAITING Earn 200 Daily Mystery Boxes Fonicci Tricolore +200


There are three cars that can be collected from opening mystery boxes with two of them being claimed randomly and one that can be claimed after opening 200 mystery boxes.

Image Name How to Get
73 small 1
Fonicci Tricolore Collect 200 mystery boxes
96 small 1
Blitz R-8.1 Randomly collected from the mystery box
91 small 1
Stingtec Electric Randomly collected from the mystery box


Shortly after this daily mystery box system was implemented, the Fonicci Tricolore was temporarily available as a random prize.



When mystery boxes were first introduced, they used to only be available through Nitro Type's early rewards system. They required the player to login everyday for seven consecutive days and the mystery box progress would be reset if a day was missed.

The Daily Nitro Rewards system followed a very specific pattern:

  • The first day/login: $8,000
  • The second day: 5 nitros
  • The third day: $15,000
  • The fourth day: 10 nitros
  • The fifth day: $30,000
  • The sixth day: Experience points (the amount rewarded depended on the level the player was)
  • MYSTERY BOX DAY- Any of the following prizes:
    • XP
    • 12 nitros
    • 20 nitros
    • $35,000
    • $60,000


There was an entire achievement category with mystery box related achievements called Cruisin' Back. Below is a list of achievements that can be earned from collecting mystery boxes. These achievements were replaced when Nitro Type 2.0 was released.

Name How to Earn It Rewards Achievement Points
What Could it Be?? Earn a Mystery Box "Mystery Man" +10
So Many Boxes! Earn 5 Mystery Boxes $500,000 +50
Ten Boxes OMG Earn 10 Mystery Boxes "Box Collector" +100
You've Been WAITING Earn 20 Mystery Boxes Fonicci Tricolore +200


There was only one car available through the original mystery box system.

Image Name How to Get
Fonicci Tricolore Collect 20 mystery boxes
