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Nitro Wiki

This ATV can traverse the toughest of terrain! Dirt roads, gravel, sand dunes – even water! (If you're going fast enough, of course.)

The All Terrain Vehicle is a car that can be obtained by completing the Federal Reserve achievement, which requires spending at least $1,000,000.


  • On March 18, 2021, it received a v3 redesign. However, over the next several days, it received two more redesigns since the driver was too small and the driver’s legs weren’t easily visible.
  • It is the car with the most redesigns and the only car that has received more than one v3 redesign.
  • Like many v1 designs, this car's v1 design and v2 design included a seat but no driver.
  • It has a Shop description in the bootstrap indicating that it was planned to be released in the Shop at some point.
  • It received a price change from $5,000 to $15,000 in early October 2022.
  • Despite being a reward for spending $1,000,000, this car is valued at $15,000.
  • Nitro Type bot C-3PO uses this car.
  • It is based on an All Terrain Vehicle.
