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Nitro Wiki

Old BBQs Every Day V3

BBQs Every Day is an achievement that could be completed by racing 300 times in a session with a summer car during the 2013, 2014, and 2015 Summer Events.



  • It is the only event achievement to have been limited to a certain date, in this case June 16, 2013, (as shown in the photo).
  • This achievement's name may be a reference to a lyric from the song Still D.R.E. by Dr. Dre.
  • The achievement was created on June 8, 2013, leaving eight days to complete it before it expired. However, the car’s expiration time was later changed to June 23, 2013.
BBQs Every Day

BBQs Every Day V3

BBQs Every Day is an achievement that could be completed by racing 350 times in a session with a summer car during the 2018 Surf n' Turf Event.


